This course has been prepared primarily for a prominent African monkey conservation charity (Cercopan) but is also available to members of the public or any other interested person. The first two module are covered in as the primatology diploma so anybody who has already completed that course would be given exemption from doing them again.
This course is also introduced by Prof Simon Bearder of Oxford Brookes University,
for those without experience of primates, this is a good primer to do the MSc Primate Conservation at Oxford Brookes
Course Modules
1. What is a Primate?
- Mammals and their characteristics
- The classification of the primates
- The distinction between New World and Old World primates
- The distribution of the primates
- The senses and how they are used
- The diet of primates
- Introduction to primate behaviour
2. Asian primates
- The gibbons and their characteristics
- Conservation issues related to gibbons
- Diet
- Reproduction
- Communication between gibbons
- The orang utan and its behaviour, including group dynamics
3. Primate Behaviour
- The location of the old world and distribution of the monkeys
- The anatomical characteristics of old world monkeys
- An introduction to some of the old world monkeys ; Cercopithecinae, Colobinae, langurs, proboscis monkeys, lorises, tarsiers, macaques,
- The different group structures in different species, and the different types of relationships, for example monogamous and polygamous groups
- The dispersal of males to form new groups
- Dominance and hierarchies within groups
- Aggression and displays
- Grooming and social interaction
- Play and development
- Altruism
- Primate culture and learning
4. Ecological Principles
- What is ecology? An introduction to the principles
- The different biomes of the world
- Biodiversity
- Adaptations and natural selection and how evolution occurs
- Changes within a community, and factors that affect population size
- Evolutionary stable strategies
5. Primates and Their Environment
- Socioecology - the relationship between the environment and social development
- Different types of diet and strategies for survival
- Resource competition between primates
- Foraging groups consisting of more than one species of primates
- Competition for mating opportunities
- The risks of predation and strategies used by primates to avoid predators
- Primates in captivity and the effects of captivity on behaviour
6. Primate Conservation
- The threats that primates around the world are under
- National Parks and Community-Based Conservation
- Logging and the bushmeat trade
- Ecotourism and its effects on primates
- The pet trade and primates kept as pets
- Rehabilitation, reintroduction and translocation and the issues associated with releasing primates into the wild from captivity

Study Level 2
The study Level relates to the how demanding the course is. 1 is beginner and 5 is HND / Foundation Degree level.
6 Module CourseThis course is delivered in 6 study modules which need to be passed to gain the qualification.
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