The aim of the course is to prepare participants academically to work in the role of animal behaviour advisor. It is designed to fill the gap for those who cannot afford the time (or money) to go to university to study animal behaviour. It should be noted that this course will not directly involve students in the practical aspects of the subject matter as it is not possible to supervise such activity. It is anticipated that other recommended organisations will offer such training and supervision.
This course is not open to all because of the technical nature of the material and potential students will have to demonstrate their ability to study at this level (level 5: HND/Foundation degree) before being accepted. It should be noted that a long standing, 'hands on' knowledge of dogs will not normally be accepted as adequate qualification to register on this programme without prior study although each case is judged on its own merits.
Course Modules
1. Learning Theory
- What is learning? An introduction to learning theories
- The different ways animals learn
- Habituation
- Classical and operant conditioning
- Stimulus generalisation and stimulus discrimination
- Types of reinforcement
- Vicarious learning
- Learning through experience, trial and error learning and one-trial learning and the effects on future behaviour
2. The Genetics and Evolution of Behaviour
- Animal genetics and how genes can affect behaviour
- Biological principles; cell division, types of reproduction
- The principles of inheritance of genes
- The links between animals and their ancestors, similarities and differences
- How domestication and artificial selection have changed the physical and behavioural characteristics of animals
3. Biochemistry of the Brain
- The differences between the divisions of the nervous system
- The different neural pathways between voluntary and involuntary behaviour
- The structure of the nervous system
- Overview of the brain and the functions of the various parts
- Neurotransmitters and how they affect canine behaviour
- The senses and how they differ from species to species
- A detailed look at the sense of smell and how this affects behaviour
4. Pharmacology
- The classes and types of veterinary drugs
- Different ways that drugs act on the body
- The ways that drugs can impact upon behaviour
- Some common medical disorders and the ways that these can influence behaviour
- For the project a chemical that might be found within the environment is selected and researched to find out how this could impact upon on health and behaviour
5. The Internal Environment
- Homeostasis and the normal physiology of the body
- How health and physiology can affect behaviour
- Various medical conditions are covered, and their behavioural effects
- The physiological and behavioural effects of stress, and the hormones involved
- Other biological factors, for example how hormones or nutrition can influence behaviour
6. The External Environment
- The external factors that can affect behaviour
- The environment in which the animal lives, and the experiences it has had
- The interactions between conspecifics and also with people
- The importance of socialisation in early life
- Scientific research that has been carried out into the social development
- The problems that can occur due to poor socialisation
- The importance of consistency when training
- The effects of a captive environment on behaviour and stress levels
- This module introduces some case studies for analysis to identify causes of problem behaviour
7. Intelligence and Theory of Mind
- Do animals think?
- Do they experience emotions?
- Do they recognise themselves in a mirror?
- Are they aware of the intentions of others?
- Can we define intelligence and what it means?
- A review of the scientific research that has been carried out on animal emotions
- An analysis of the selfish gene theory
8. Behavioural Diagnostics
- The many possible causes of a particular behavioural problem (root causes of behaviour)
- Environment, nature, nurture, pharmacological, physiological causes, and how more than one of these could be the cause of a problem
- How we can diagnose the cause of behaviour, by asking questions and analysing the situation
- Drawing on knowledge gained from the previous modules to discuss all the possible reasons why an animal is behaving in a certain way
- Designing history sheets to use during client consultations
9.Professional Conduct
- Maintaining a professional image when dealing with clients and the veterinary profession when working as a behaviourist
- The importance of excellent communication skills
- The business aspects of working as a behaviourist, such as insurance and code of conduct
- Dealing with clients, using tact or sympathy when dealing with clients and difficult situations
- Designing promotional material
- Writing letters to veterinary professionals
10.Application of Theory
- The way we interact with animals, and how our own behaviour can potentially influence theirs
- Fear and how to deal with it
- Aggression and why it might occur and how to deal with it
- The scientific study of behaviour, including presenting reports, interpreting data and graphs
- Carrying out an observational study of your own
- Analysing different methods of dealing with a behavioural problem to determine the likely success of different approaches
11.The Law
- Legislation affects anyone working with animals and their guardians
- The legal position and the laws that affect animals and those working with them.
- Includes the Dangerous Dogs Act, Control of Dogs, Animal Welfare Act
- Responsibility for animals in your care
- The law regarding behavioural treatment of animals, and how this relates to Veterinary legislation
12.Case Studies
- Analysis of case studies to pull together all the knowledge gained throughout the course.
- The examination of ten different behavioural problem case studies
- Suggesting how you would go about assessing and solving the problems.
- Demonstrating knowledge of all factors that might affect behaviour, including learning, genetics, and biological and environmental factors
- Suggestions for solving problem behaviour
- Production of professional reports and letters to clients and veterinary professionals
Study Level 5 The study Level relates to the how demanding the course is. 1 is beginner and 5 is HND / Foundation Degree level.
12 Module CourseThis course is delivered in 12 study modules which need to be passed to gain the qualification.
All Compass Education Ltd courses are written by industry
experts and provided exclusively in the UK by Compass, they are not availableanywhere else. Courses are unique to Compass and accredited by Ofqual regulatedAwarding Bodies and/or Industry Professional Bodies as indicated in each coursedescription. In common with the overwhelming majority of private educationalprovision in this sector they are not a part of the RQF or SCQF and they do notappear on Ofqual's register of qualifications.
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